Eli and Diane had 9 Children

Morris Calig
Abe Calig
Joe Calig
Frimma Calig (Ostrow)
Sarah Calig (Levine)
Myriam Calig (Sklove)
Raizel Calig (Berman)
Jennie Calig (Mogerman)
Tom Calig

What branch are YOU from?

Ellen & Elliott Calig - Reunion Organizers

REUNION PLANS: as of 4/28/08


DINING IN PITTSBURGH: DUTCH TREAT at the Buffalo Blues restaurant

It is a fun restaurant that offers everything



ECALIG3@AOL.COM OR eliott60@aol.com.


Ellen and Eliott

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Reunion Plans Update June 21, 2008 --

Hello to all,
You probably thought I had forgotten about the week-end of Aug. 2, but I haven't and I now have some updates for you. I understand that reservations have been made and I am glad that the out of town relatives have taken care of that. If you still need to make a reservation, please do it quickly, as there is a bike race in Pittsburgh that week-end and I would not want you to have a problem! There are still some of the "kids" that I haven't heard from. I really need a final count!!
I am holding a room at Buffalo Blues restaurant for Friday evening. As I've said in my last e-mail, it is a fun restaurant, very casual with all types of food... centrally located and easy to get to from all points...The address is 215 S. Highland Ave...phone # 412-361-5837.... (Shadyside area) Time is 6:o0 to 6:30 until whenever. I know that some of you get in later in the afternoon, but you" WILL" be hungry and we "WILL" be there for a while...this will give everyone a "jump start" for Saturday's picnic. Reasonably priced and "DUTCH TREAT".
Saturdays picnic is called for anytime after 1:PM...and we have the park until 9. It is being held at the Squaw Valley Park on Fox Chapel road. (in O'Hara township) Remember, the tables ARE under shelter, there is electricity AND bathrooms! Of course, the weather HAS to co-operate, but just in case!!!!! If anyone has pictures, memorabilia, or anything that you would want to share with the family, please bring it along. Also, for the locals, feel free to bring any sports equipment, for tennis, baseball, basketball or volley ball. Tennis shoes would be great in case you would like to take a walk around the perimeter of the park or go on any of the trails. There will be "nosh" food, and dinner will be around 5 catered by Chuck Schwartz Catering. It will be a cook out, grilled there, with lots of goodies! I am asking for $25.00 a person to cover most of the costs. I would appreciate it if you would mail me a check ahead of time...by July 15...so that I can check you off the "hit list"!!Unfortunately, we don't have the "Calig dues" to dip into, as before. My address is 224 Hillcrest Rd. Pittsburgh, Penna. 15238.
If anyone knows of any of the cousins that have NOT been notified, please, please contact them and have them e-mail me at ecalig3@aol.com. I do not want to intentionally leave anyone out. For those of you that receive this e-mail and you have already told me that you will be unable to be there, please just disregard. I want you to still know what is going on. I am glad to say it is NOT MANY but we will be sad that you will not be there. If there are ANY questions that any of you may have, please feel free to e-mail me...
Please don't forget to go to the blog site and if you haven't already added to it, you can send pictures to Hollie...(hshaner@aol.com) and she will get it posted for you. You can make comments on the blog site of images that are already there...blog site address...

http://caligreunion2008.blogpot.com...watch for all the dots!
In the interim, I have to say it has been quite an experience planning this get together. I have had fun and I hope that all of you enjoy the week-end as much as I have had planning it!!
See you sooner then you think!
Ellen and Eliott

Eli and Abe Calig Circa 1910

Thanks to Dennis Mogerman for this amazing photo.....

Dennis, got any more goodies like this one?

Rachel - Ellen & Elliotts Grand Daughter swimming

Sarah, Dad, and Greg

Lynda and Sarah -- Lynda is Ellen & Elliotts daughter; Sarah is grand daughter

Rachel & Date - 2008 - Daughter of Lynda; grand daughter of Ellen & Elliott Calig