Eli and Diane had 9 Children

Morris Calig
Abe Calig
Joe Calig
Frimma Calig (Ostrow)
Sarah Calig (Levine)
Myriam Calig (Sklove)
Raizel Calig (Berman)
Jennie Calig (Mogerman)
Tom Calig

What branch are YOU from?

Ellen & Elliott Calig - Reunion Organizers

REUNION PLANS: as of 4/28/08


DINING IN PITTSBURGH: DUTCH TREAT at the Buffalo Blues restaurant

It is a fun restaurant that offers everything



ECALIG3@AOL.COM OR eliott60@aol.com.


Ellen and Eliott

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Eleanor Calig Kramer and family

Photo of Eleanor Calig Kramer and family

Check out the link to Great Grand daughter Jana Rose -- great photos and adorable videos!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Attending Reunion: from Marshall Ostrow and family

Marshall Ostrow and most of his family plan to be at the reunion. We are Barbara (my wife of 49 years), son David and his wife Kathy, and their children Matthew, Becca, and Nicole. That’s seven definites for us. Our other son Scott my also be there, but I don’t think his wife Shelly and three children Sophie, Isaac and Eli will be able to make it. Does the name Eli ring a bell to all of you? Not only is Eli (age 6) our youngest grandchild, but Eli (Calig) was my Great Great Grandfather. On Sunday of the reunion weekend we will be holding the unveiling of my mother Elinore’s grave at Temple Sinai Memorial Park. She passed away peacefully just a few weeks ago at the age of 93. All of you are welcome to attend. The time has not yet been set. We were very happy to see Eliot and Ellen, Joey and Clair, and Carl and Roselle at Mom’s funeral.

I have some old movies of Calig family picnics past, some of which my brother Harvey has had converted to VCRs. I plan to bring them along. If there will be an electric outlet available we can all wax nostalgic together. We will bring the VCR player. I also have a treasure trove of pictures (prints) of most, if not all of our relatives from the early years and forward. I will try to put those together in an album and bring it along so that we can all walk down memory lane together. I also know that my brother Harvey and wife Ellen and my sister Geri and significant other will be there, so that’s 11 definites from our end of the family.

I’ve also attached a photo of Barbara and me and our immediate family, including all of those delicious grandchildren! Holley, please post that with this note, as well.

Look forward to seeing y’all (notice how I’ve adapted to the South!)

Marshall (Ostrow)

Debbie Torin -Levy and husband Dave

Debbie and Dave
Their children Ryan (9), Jake (11), Cara (12), and Lulu (2)

from Debbie Torin Levy : Larry Torin, Debbie and Daughter Lauren

Hi, This was a picture of my dad, Larry, about 2 years ago, at Lauren Faye's
baby naming. In this photo, he was delivering an impassioned speech about
his Zayde Joe and Bubbe Fayga who came from Russia. He was describing the
Tree of Life and was relaying to our guests the story of his grandparents
arrival in America and the building of the Calig family in Pittsburgh. My
dad passed away several months after this picture was taken. We greatly miss
him and think of him every day!
Jeffrey Calig and family look forward to seeing so many Calig family members and hearing wonderful stories at the family reunion. Our daughter Gillian recently turned 17 and our son Ethan is 12. Lauren and I moved to Cleveland eight years ago as we moved our business here and ultimately sold(former Calig Steel Drum Co.). We are all settled down here in Cleveland and are in Pittsburgh often to see family and to check on an apartment building. I see dad(Eliott Calig) very often as we hunt, fish and ride four wheelers at his cottage in Warren (Northwestern Pa.). We will never get used to the Cleveland winters and thankfully it is getting warm now. Cleveland winters are by far worse than Pittsburgh winters. One thing is for sure, we will always be die hard Steeler fans and they must always beat the Browns. My parents(Ellen and Eliott) are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this June and my sisters(Debbie Brode and Lynda Theiler) and I will be taking them and the entire immediate family(16 members) to Glade Springs Resort in West Virginia. I look forward to seeing so many faces of the Calig Family in August.
Jeffrey A. Calig, CCIM

Vice President

3401 Enterprise Parkway, Suite 105
Cleveland, OH 44122
216-831-3310 x210

216-831-9869 Fax

Attending Reunion: From Debbie Torin-Levy

My brother, Jeff, and I are coming from California to be at the Calig family picnic!! After a lifetime of hearing stories of Pittsburgh, Russia, and the picnic from our dad- Larry Torin and Grandma Dora Calig and Grandpa Shep, we wouldn’t miss it for the world!!


Debbie Torin-Levy

Attending Reunion: From Joey Calig April 28th 2008

Dear all, the Joey Calig branch of the family intends to be there in total. That is Joey, his wife Claire, our son Greg and his wife Pam, their son Harrison and the triplets who are now 12 weeks old; Ross Benjamin, who is named for my dad and Claire's uncle, Dylan Levi who is named for Pam's cousin and maternal grandmother, and Alana Pearl, named for my mother and Pam's fraternal grandmothers (both were Pearl's). Our son Dan and his significant other Erin intend to come in from New York. That makes 10.
Ten is significant in that there were 9 brothers and sisters; the children of Eli and Diana Calig, which meant that my Zayde Joe had 8 siblings. He was the first to come to America and brought with him his parents (Eli and Diana), my Bobby Fannie (Fayge as we all new her) and his oldest son, my uncle Bill. He later brought each of his 8 siblings here. They initially lived in the big house he had bought on the corner of Cassett and Ledley Streets in the old Hill District. He helped each one start in business or get some work, find mates if needed and start out in life. He had the biggest livery stable in the Hill at the top of the Cliff Street Incline which ran down to the major wholesale food area, which became known as the Strip District. You should try and get there when you are here. The Philadelphia South Market has nothing on us. So when you count the numbers up they come to 10 Caligs that my Zayde helped get here; his parents and his 8 siblings.
I can still remember the picnics when uncles Morris and Abe used to have a couple of their employees bring the trucks to the picnics with ice, pop, barrels of beer (Uncle Morris used to always shout at kids, "Get away from the beer, or else", ice cream, corn and God knows what else. Uncle Tom, who was the Deputy Chief County Detective was in charge of "taking care of the County Police in the park. They would never seem to see the beer, as alcohol in the parks was illegal. The drove past the older kids who were making out in the backs of the cars. And even though the park closed at 8 PM, somehow we were allowed to stay until 9:30 or 10 PM. Amazing what $20 could do in those days. If you come to the picnic I will tell you of some of the other wonders our uncle Timmy (that's what Dad called him) was able to work, often without telling our parents.
I can't wait to see you all. We MUST not let this chance to go back 50 or 60 years slip away from us.
I will take some time and add more history to the blog in the next few days. Holli, please post this on the blog.